Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Breakfast of Champions

I guess before I go any further, I should explain my blogname.  On Sunday when I started all this, I was all set to whip out a nice first post.  Not ever having done a blog before, I didn't realize that you had to come up with a name before the blogging actually began.  So I sat here for 45 minutes desperately attempting to come up with something catchy.

Obviously I failed miserably.  I resigned myself to "Arizona Buffapho" out of sheer desperation.  So the Arizona part is obvious.  And anyone who knows me for, oh, say the last 25 years knows that I'm probably the worlds biggest Colorado Buffalo college football fan.  So adding a Vietnamese reference like "pho" seemed like a pretty good idea at the time.  Arizona Buffapho, get it?!

Ok, so it's a huge blogname fail.  But aside from being cheesy, it's also not even really correct.  In Vietnam, pho, which most English speakers would pronounce rhyming with "show" is actually pronounced "fa" in "FA!  A long, long way to run!"  (I never did get that by the way.  So would "CA" have been "a thing I drive to work!"?  But I digress).  So technically it's "Arizona Buffafa".  How sad is that?

If you're not familiar with pho, it's pretty tasty and pretty much a staple of the Vietnamese diet.  I imagine there are quite a few variations, but it's essentially something like mild chicken broth poured over rice noodles, scallions and often peppers.  I like it best with chicken, but you can also get it with beef or pork and I imagine other things I'd rather not know.  Best of all, you can eat it any time, day or night.  So I get my daily dose of Vietnamese pho at breakfast.

Those red peppers are fire hot.  And with a squeeze of lime, it makes for a tasty way to start the morning. 
